The Legend of Dragoon Подсказки на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

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Use additions


When your character does a physical attack, you can press “X” to do additions. These additions add power to your physical attacks and will allow you to gain spirit points. Spirit points allow you to Dragoon and raise the level of your Dragoon and more powerful magic attacks.

Dragoon levels help you to stay in Dragoon form for longer periods of time. In order to use the best additions in the game, you will have to go into the “Additions” menu and switch your character's additions.

Use Rewind Function


The rewind function is handy and allows you to avoid being destroyed by your enemy. Instead of restarting the level, simply rewind your character in time and use different tactics to beat your enemies.  

Kill Henchmen First


When you are fighting a boss in Legend of Dragoon, kill the bosses henchmen first before you attack the boss. The henchmen give the boss additional turns to defeat you, many of these henchmen can use magic and will do some damage to your party. 

Tantacles shares some tips for Legend of Dragoon.

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