The Legend of Dragoon Сбои на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

Вот наши Сбои для The Legend of Dragoon на Playstation 4. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Dragoon Magic Glitch


In Legend of Dragoon, there is a glitch that appears when you use Dragon Magic for anything that targets more than one ally or enemy. If you try to use Dragoon Magic abilities with Astral Drain, the game will freeze when he attempts to heal your allies.

You can avoid this glitch by pressing the “Options” button and using the game’s “rewind” feature to go back to the scene before you use Dragoon Magic. 

Soundwave spectre shares a glitch in Legend of Dragoon.

Voice Dialogue Gets Clipped


In Legend of Dragoon, the game has voice acting in gameplay. The party members say their moves out loud when using them, this is typical of Anime styled games. In this version of Legend of Dragoon the voice dialogue gets clipped before the characters finish talking.

The grunts the characters make during combat also get clipped, this glitch can be fixed by changing the game's sound settings from “Stereo” to “Mono” and then change it back to “ Stereo”.

If this doesn’t resolve the glitch, you will have to save your game and power down your PS5. Wait for several minutes and then restart your PS5, this will solve the glitch.

BltzZ shares some glitches in Legend of Dragoon.

Windigo Instant Kill Glitch


A glitch appears to happen when you fight Dragoon boss Windigo, at Kashua Glacier. The boss is supposed to be challenging in the game, as it is a water element creature that has a higher HP.

The glitch in the game occurs if you use a Sachet on Windigo's heart. The attack is an instant kill move and causes this water element creature to die. The attack move isn’t supposed to kill the creature.

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