Dead Island 2 Hints on Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Last Updated: May 31, 2023

Here are our Hints for Dead Island 2 on Xbox Series X. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Ways to Ensure Easier Gameplay


Stock Up on Fuses

You must find a fuse to get a gate or motor working in most levels. That’s why it is best to try to stock up on as many fuses as you can get your hands on. Not only are they beneficial for missions, but you can also sell or trade them with other NPCs in the game. So make getting fuses a priority.

Choose a Favourite Weapon

There are many different weapons; however, you should choose your favorite weapon and spend time and money upgrading it. Of course, you can have other weapons as well. But it’s better to get good with one weapon so that you are unstoppable than be average with different weapons.

Dodge, Don’t Block

When you are under attack by a horde of zombies, it can be tempting to block all the time. If you can block or dodge as they attack, you can open up an opportunity for a powerful counterattack. But even blocking can, at times, take too long.

That’s why you should try to dodge as much as possible. This will give you more time to get in a counterattack while moving. Be sure to time your dodge correctly, though mistiming it could lead to you taking unnecessary damage.

Be on the Look Out for Health Packs

When you first start, you must head straight for a health pack. Health Packs are a necessity in Dead Island 2. This isn’t only because they restore your health when it is low; if you have been set on fire or shocked and still have the remaining residual effects, it will also remove that and restore you completely.

So watching for health packs as you explore the maps is always a good idea. You can also purchase them from a trader if you have the cash. 

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