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Scarlet Nexus Сбои на Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Последнее обновление: 10 июля 2022 г.

Вот наши Сбои для Scarlet Nexus на Xbox Series X. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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XP Superfarming method


Scarlet Nexus's XP system opens up doors and opportunities for upgrading and picking up as many skills on the skill tree as possible. The following XP farming method will help you gain a 100KXP within a few minutes and get your character to level 99 with a low effort. 

Once you reach the Bond missions, the enemy levels will be scaled to match your own. When you go out make sure you have your defense items to help with the method and farming XP.

In the game, the Session pound gives you the most xp. You want to try paralysis them so that you can increase your xp multiplier. Then you can brain crush them, once they have been maxed out. You can use psychokinesis, hypervelocity, electrokinesis to stop them from exploding on their own accord.  

You will need to go through the trailhead and into the mountains and you will need to repeat this process especially when there is a large number of session pounds who are ready to use their brain field to increase the xp multiplier while keeping your SAS gauges going. The SAS system lets you use another party member’s unique power and enhance your own skillset.  

Do not go to the objective once you have been to all the spawn areas. Travel to a different area but do not go to your hideout. Then you can go back to the trailhead to rinse off and repeat. Once you are satisfied you can finish the mission. 

There are other good farming methods such as Nuclear Winter.

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