PGA Tour 2K23 Пасхальные яйца на Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Последнее обновление: 21 апреля 2023 г.

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Matt Kuchar and His Caddy

Пасхальные яйца

After securing a hard-fought victory in career mode, Matt Kuchar was faced with a unique challenge when it came to honoring his caddy. Despite the essential role the caddy had played, Kuchar refused pay him, instead opting to make a rash decision to physically throw the caddy into a nearby lake.

Sergio Garcia

Пасхальные яйца

Sergio Garcia is infamous for his temper tantrums on the golf course, including kicking, slamming, throwing, and damaging greens with his clubs. After losing to Tiger Woods in career mode, you see Sergio blaming Tiger for his defeat, showcasing poor sportsmanship and lack of personal responsibility.

Phil Mickelson

Пасхальные яйца

Phil Mickelson is known for his exceptional golfing skills and calm demeanor on the course, but even the best players have their moments of frustration. In the game, after missing a seemingly simple putt, Phil's cool was lost and you see him impulsively stopping the ball before it had a chance to roll, showcasing a rare display of emotion.

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