Samurai Warriors 5 Руководства на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 20 ноября 2021 г.

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Tips to always get S Rank


Ninja Blade
Ninja Blade is the strongest weapon to start out with, it is easy to find and get early in the game, and so it is a great tool to find your way in defeating the S Rank. 

Start your game in Musou Mode and play until you can make it to Chapter 2. In Chapter two, start the mission Mayhem in Mikawa. This mission will be where you unlock Hanzo Attori and you can grab the Ninja Blade. 

Once you have the Ninja Blade, head to the blacksmith and craft an 8 slot blank weapon. Preferably you will craft the weapon into the Ravenous Wolf. Once you have the Ravenous Wolf, you will be able to upgrade the weapon with skills freely as you play through the game. 

The 2 skills you will need to absolutely mandatory skills to work on the weapon will be Attack and Attack Speed. These 2 skills will be essential to the power of the weapon, Remember not to rank the weapon too high to ensure other characters can utilize the weapon without too much effort. 

As for the other skill slots, this will depend on your own style, my only suggestion is ranking all skills up at a similar pace. 

Which Character To Max Out
Mitsuhide Akechi and Nobanaga Oda are two characters you will want to pour as many resources and attention into as possible. They are essentially the main characters of the game and so you will spend the majority of your playtime using these characters. 

Start by training the officer, increasing their Weapon Mastery skills, go to the weapon of choice, and raise the rank to at least a B rank. This should be efficient enough to start out with and work on until further in the game 

Some excellent Ultimate Skills to choose from are Phoenix Meteor, Flaming Chariot, and Pride.

As for the other characters, this would be according to your own preferences.

Swillo speaks into the details of how he used these tips to make S Rank easy. And provides an example of playing with it.

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