NHL 22 Подсказки на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 10 января 2023 г.

Вот наши Подсказки для NHL 22 на Xbox One. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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How to do dekes


Dekes are moves you can use to try to confuse the defense. They’re very useful, and NHL 22 has quite a number of them available for you to use, some simpler than others. Each has its own inputs you’ll need to enter to perform, so it can be a lot to get used to. Take a look at the video guide below for instructions and demonstrations on how to do the majority of dekes in the game.

Starting Tips


There are a few different control options available. One of these is NHL 94 controls. If you want to test out a simpler control scheme, give that a try to see how it feels.

A player’s salary goes toward improving their stats. Spend the salary on bonuses that will help your team the most.

Passing is important to keep the puck away from your opponents. Try to make short passes between players close by to keep possession.

You can enter free skate mode in order to practice and try out different techniques.

Franchise Mode has a lot of different options available depending on how you want to play. Take a look through the options to determine how much control you want, if you’d like bonuses to be in effect, and other customization options.

A wide variety of customization options are also available for your team strategies. Look over your team’s strengths and weaknesses and adjust the team strategies accordingly to determine how your players will behave in a game.

How to earn coins fast


Coins are the in-game currency you’ll be spending on a variety of things, so you want to have a lot of them. To earn more coins, you can complete daily and weekly objectives, offline challenges that present you with various tasks to complete. Winning online matches in HUT Rivals and HUT Champions can also reward you with points.

Finally, trading on the Auction Market is a potential way to earn coins, especially if you’re careful with your trading and player choices. Once you have a good number of coins as a starting point, the market can become the most profitable method of earning coins. For some tips on how to use the market to earn coins, check out the video guide below.

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