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Human: Fall Flat Пасхальные яйца на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 23 ноября 2021 г.

Вот наши Пасхальные яйца для Human: Fall Flat на Xbox One. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Secret Areas

Пасхальные яйца

There are numerous secret areas, shortcuts, and other hidden secrets. Some of these can help with speedrunning by providing you with secret ways to get through the area, while others are just interesting areas to find or relate to other secrets (such as the audio Easter eggs).

Use the video guide below to help you locate some of the hidden areas you might have missed.

Secret Audio/Dialogue

Пасхальные яйца

There are several audio Easter eggs in the game, little voice clips you’ll hear if you perform specific actions. Some appear to be the same voice, while others are different.

  • If you fall over the edge of the balcony and grab the edge of the tree, you’ll hear a voice say, “What were you thinking, buddy?”
  • If you go to the statue in the fountain and tug at its crotch area, the voice will say, “I’m only saying this because I love you.”
  • If you complete the dark maze in the train area, the voice says, “It was dark and I couldn’t see anything.”
  • In the castle, if you get the cart over the edge and into the water, a voice will say, “I’m a good driver.”

Вопросы, ответы и комментарии

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Where  is  the  bucket  in  the  castle  level?
leland, 2 года назад Ответить на
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