Far Cry: New Dawn Подсказки на Xbox One (X1)

Последнее обновление: 4 марта 2023 г.

Вот наши Подсказки для Far Cry: New Dawn на Xbox One. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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All Animal Locations


There are 25 different animals you can find and skin (loot) for the “Master Skinner” trophy/achievement. (There are more than 25 animals in the game, but birds and animals you can’t skin don’t count toward this.) Maps bought from the Cartography center will help you find most of them, but there are seven that don’t have maps: skunk, rattlesnake, hare, cattle, crocodile, shark, and bull. Taking your dog Timber with you will help you find the animals to skin them.

If you’re having trouble finding any of them, use the video guide below for help.

All Photo Locations


After getting Travey’s Shoebox in Prosperity, you will get a new side quest to find the locations of the nine photographs in the box, which show locations in the world from before the bombs dropped. You must find these spots and hold up on the D-pad while standing in the indicated place. Maps bought from the Cartography center will also help you find the locations.

If you’re having any trouble finding the 9 photo spots, use the video guide below for help.

All MP3 Player Locations


10 MP3 players can be found as collectibles. You will hear the music playing as you draw near to their location, and then you can collect them once you find them.

If you’re having trouble finding any of the music players, use the video guide below for help.

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Wie  komme  ich  bei  der  Schatzsuche  ,    (  Durchdrehen  )
in  den  Bunker  ?
Andro Michelidse, 1 год назад Ответить на
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