Отзывы для Tenders Fight

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Наши пользователи оценили эту игру на 10.0 / 10

На основе1 Рейтинг и 1 Обзор

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Made for speedrunners, but even a slow casual player can have fun because content isn’t locked behind walls. The gameplay is nice, with a few minor flaws. Each stage is a more or less linear path through obstacles in which you must get the egg at the end while killing all chickens. All you have is a jump and a punch, and after a few stages, you get a dash punch. Chickens look weird with human legs, but they die after one punch. You can also punch some objects, sending them hurtling into them. There are four zones, each with ten levels. You must play the entire game in order, however you can always come back and try to better your score. Stages take less than a minute to complete, allowing you to quickly become acquainted with the layout. Although you do not have to earn the highest possible score, there is always a desire to do your best. On the other side, I strongly advise you to simply focus on completing stages and having fun. Some stages are easier than others, but the requirements for S rank can be so rigorous that you can't even pause for a fraction of a second. A lot of it is based on accurate punching mechanics. You might think that objects fly all over the place, but the trick is to look at the target while punching. Special mention goes to great soundtrack. Unless you want to listen to three tracks from first to last stage, you can find new tapes in certain stages. They’re not hard to find, and stages with tapes are marked in the stage select menu.

рейтинг: 10

На сайте: Isaac Menard - 1 месяц назад