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Planet Coaster: Console Edition Подсказки на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 27 января 2023 г.

Вот наши Подсказки для Planet Coaster: Console Edition на Playstation 4. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

Нравится ли вам Planet Coaster: Console Edition?

Наши пользователи оценили эту игру на 6.0 / 10

На основе1 Рейтинг

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Basic Tips


Play through the tutorial to be introduced to the basics.

Playing through the career mode will help introduce you to all the features and mechanics that you can then expand on in sandbox mode to make the park of your dreams.

Start out small and build up slowly to more impressive ride and attractions.

Training your staff is worthwhile. Although it costs money, it will save you money over continually hiring new staff in the long run.

Scenery elements are important to keep your guests interested. More things to look at means less of a chance visitors will get annoyed while waiting.

Pay attention to how your guests feel. For example, if you increase your prices and guests are still happy, that’s fine. If they start to complain, it’s time to lower prices a little.

Vendors can be expensive. Try not to have too many, only enough to make sure the money they bring in is enough to turn a profit.

Placing ATM machines near rides and vendors is a good way to get visitors to spend more money.

Console Control Tips


While Planet Coaster is the same game at its core no matter which version you play, the Console Edition has a new control scheme, a radial menu, and other changes to better suit the new platform. As a result, it can be tricky to get used to how the controls work. For a basic overview of how to use the Console Edition controls and interface to create your park, check out the video below.

Вопросы, ответы и комментарии

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im  having  a  hard  time  finding  the  trash  bins  in  planet  coaster.  i  have  looked  where  most  of  the  videos  say  to  look.  (in  the  scenery  tab  under  scenery  extras)  they  are  not  there.  i  also  notice  that  most  videos  refer  to  xbox  but  is  playstation  different.
Matthew Eichenmiller, 1 год назад Ответить на
I  dunno  which  video  you're  watching  but  thats  wrong  even  for  xbox.  Go  to  the  create  tab  and  look  for  "Path  Extras"  (3  icon  on  right  side)
Vaporwave, 1 год назад Ответить на
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