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Dead Island 2 Разблокируемый на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 31 мая 2023 г.

Вот наши Разблокируемый для Dead Island 2 на Playstation 4. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

Нравится ли вам Dead Island 2?

Наши пользователи оценили эту игру на 9.5 / 10

На основе2 [2, *] Рейтинги и 1 Обзор

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How to Unlock Multiplayer Quickly


Select Amy, as she is the fastest character. Get the first aid kit quickly to restore your health, and follow the track before you. When you reach the end of the path, grab the weapon and chop up the box in the way. Follow the path until you get into the plain, kick the trolley away by pressing “E,” and keep going.

You will face waves of zombies as you progress. Play through the next two levels, and once you’ve completed the mansion level, just before you jump over the gate to start level four, you will receive the prompt to play multiplayer.

"Should You Play It?" guides players through the quickest way to complete Dead Island 2's tutorial

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