Rocket Bot Royale Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 15 марта 2023 г.

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Abusing Rapidfire to instakill


Are you tired of dying over and over again? Simply start with max rapidfire, and when your enemy comes, launch rapidfire everywhere(you don't have to hit them). This will cause the game to lag and as a result your opponent will freeze temporarily, giving you the chance to destroy them.

На сайте: Stinky Binky комментарий
Cool!  It  actually  works!
WeNeedToGoDeeper RocketBotRoyale, 1 год назад - Ответить на
how  do  you  do  it
lil, 5 месяцев назад - Ответить на



In the game the player must press the following controls up-up-down-down- left-right-left-right-b-a- and enter.

After a player has pressed the controls they will get the Brown Crawler.

where  do  we  do  this
., 1 год назад - Ответить на
yea  what  how
Wyatt, 2 месяца назад - Ответить на

Rapid fire cheat


The player must start the game with maximum rapid fire. When a player's enemy attacks the player must launch rapid-fire everywhere. When a player launches rapid-fire everywhere this will cause the game to lag.

The lag will cause the enemy to freeze temporarily, and give the player a chance to destroy their enemy.

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