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Tour de France 2023 Dicas em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 28 de agosto de 2023

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How to Improve Your Gameplay


Get to Know the Controls

Mastering the controls will allow you to easily ride through challenging races with quick reactions and split-second decisions during critical moments.

Keep an Eye on Your Energy 

Energy is a vital element of the game that is measured with two gauges:

  • The Attack Gauge - shows how much energy you have available for an attack. It depletes when you attack another player; you can no longer attack once it's finished. You can refill the gauge by riding at low speeds or consuming red feed. The maximum amount of the attack gauge is affected by the energy gauge. If your energy gauge is fully depleted, the attack gauge will shrink by 20%.
  • The Energy Gauge - shows your reserves for sustained efforts. It decreases when your rider gives a lot of effort but increases when you ride at low speeds or consume blue feed. Its max level decreases during a race, simulating the tiredness you may feel after riding so many kilometers.

You must try and save your energy for the last kilometer of a race if you want to gain a major advantage over the other racers. If both gauges are empty, your rider will break down, making you lose a few critical seconds.

Protect Yourself from the Wind

It’s essential to protect your rider from strong winds so that he doesn’t waste too much energy. You can see how much wind is affecting your rider through the airflows at his elbows.

There is a colored trail visible around the speedometer. This is an indication of the drag. The more visible it is, the greater the air resistance against your rider and the faster your tires. If it is barely visible, it means you are well protected from the wind.

You can increase your protection from the wind by asking a team member to come and protect you. Pay attention to where the wind comes from to summon a team member to the correct spot. Keeping at least five cyclists between you and the wind is good.

Perform Relays to Share Effort Between Riders

You can perform a relay by setting your racer in front and setting the pace at the head of the group for a short time. During this brief lead, you won’t be protected from the wind and will, therefore, be more exhausted than your opponents. Share the effort between your riders through a relay chain:

  1. Follow a rider to the head of the group. 
  2. When they veer off, you can move forward to set the pace. 
  3. Once you feel you’ve relayed enough, fall behind the others and follow them until it’s your turn to lead. 

If you’re in the peloton, you may find yourself in a situation where you can set the pace, referred to as “Bearing the weight of the race.” This will happen when:

  • One of your riders is wearing the yellow jersey.
  • You’re in a flat stage, and your team has one of the best sprinters.

If your team doesn’t participate, the breakaways have a better shot at victory because other teams will perform fewer relays. As a breakaway, you must take relays to “keep the breakaway alive”; otherwise, you will be considered a “raccoon,” and the other riders will try to get rid of you. This is a good strategy to disorganize a breakaway and force your opponents to attack near the end.

There are a few situations that change the rules:

  • If you place a rider in a breakaway, you don’t need to bear the weight of the race unless you have the yellow jersey and your rider isn’t in the best place in the general rankings of the breakaway.
  • If you have the yellow jersey and have broken away, you don’t have to take the relay to avoid your teammate, who will bear the weight of the race to overcome a significant gap.
  • If a teammate is nearby and close to re-joining your group, let them take the relay to help their return. You can coordinate once they have rejoined.

Time Your Attacks

Placing a well-time attack is critical as it takes a lot of energy. To increase the efficiency of your attacks, gain momentum in advance, then accelerate to the head of the group, and when you reach the rider in third or second place, unleash your attack.

If you decide to break away near the beginning of the stage, follow riders capable of attacking. This will save you energy, and if the platoon reacts to an attack, you may counter-attack to break away. Plus, breaking away as a group means you can recover more energy, be protected against wind, and have a higher chance of resisting the return of the peloton, which very rarely lets large groups go.

If your rider has enough lead on the peloton at the end of the stage, you may attack to release your teammates in the breakaway. Observe the profile and take advantage of the difficulties. If the last kilometers are flat, a lead of one minute or more at 10 km to the finish is necessary if you want a chance of making a finishing move. If the difficulties are significant, your leads should be greater.

If you attack during the mountain stage, your rider needs to be in the top 10 riders when he is 1km from the summit. You can begin attacking 600m from the summit but wait until the last 300m before you launch an all-out attack. Remember, attributes in valleys, mountains, and acceleration play an important role in getting ahead on the climbing stages.

Use Bunch Sprinting to Your Advantage

Placement of your rider is essential when in a bunch sprint. At 10km from the finish, your sprinter should be in the 20th place of the peloton so that you don’t suffer too much from the wind. When you get to 5km, move to 10th place. Ideally, you should be on the tracks of another sprinter, and your gauge should be red. Keep your position and avoid any riders who are falling behind.

On the last kilometer, start sprinting, but make sure you stay on the tracks of other sprinters to take advantage of protection from the wind. At 600m from the finish line, you can give it your all and move to overtake everyone. This is a critical moment when the characteristics of your sprinter and the energy you have left make the difference between a win and a loss.

Be Careful When Descending a Pass

The descent is dangerous, and a minor mistake could lead to a fall. When the path is green, you can pass without braking. Passing without braking is possible when it is orange, but your path needs to be perfect. When the path is red, you will fall if you don’t brake.

If you are in the peloton with limited visibility, use Follow mode.

There are three stages to negotiating the bends:

  • The entry - braking is necessary for the path in the bend to become green.
  • The turn - if you braked enough when entering the bend, all you need to do is take the inside of the bend in a freewheel.
  • The exit - once you’ve passed the inside of the bend, you can start pedaling again.

Manage Your Effort to Achieve Good Time 

Keep an eye on the recommended effort indicator, as it will display the effort you need to make on different routes to produce a good riding time. Remember that the indicator is not displayed on higher difficulties, meaning you must count on your game experience.

The rules for individual time trials in time trails by teams remain important. To achieve a good time, you need to know your team well and have the best time specialists so you can take longer relays than weaker riders.

Your team’s time is calculated when the 4th rider passes the finish line, so it is important to finish with the leader as one of the top 4.

Use Real-Life Tour de France Strategies

There are some iconic race strategies used in the Tour de France, and taking inspiration from real-life tactics employed by professional riders could give you a decent edge. Analyze riders’ breakaways, mountain attacks, and time trial techniques and add authenticity to your gameplay.

Explore Different Game Modes

There are several game modes, and each offers a unique experience:

  • Career Mode: single-player. You can guide your rider through multiple seasons and aim for the yellow jersey
  • Multiplayer Mode: Compete against friends and online opponents.

Experiment with the different modes and determine which one you enjoy the best.

Study the Race Routes and Conditions

This game has some of the most iconic race routes featured in the Roue de France, and each has been faithfully recreated. Study the profile of each. Get to know the terrain, distance, and any potential challenges you may encounter.

You can develop your strategy more efficiently this way and learn to anticipate crucial moments while you’re on the track.

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