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Tales of Symphonia Remastered Dicas em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 31 de maio de 2023

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Tales of Symphonia Remastered sobre Playstation 4. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Best Ways to Improve Your Gameplay Experience


Use Healing Items

You will come across plenty of powerful enemies, particularly on “Hard” mode. When playing the game on hard mode, your enemies will receive statistical buffs, making them ten times more dangerous.

You will need to use healing items frequently when playing on hard mode. Managing your character’s health and healing them is a requirement to beat the most challenging monsters.

Use Resurrection Ability

Raine is the only character that can learn the artes of Resurrection. Most of Raine’s spells are for healing; this makes her an incredibly valuable member of your team.

Raine’s Resurrection arte can revive downed characters, so you must unlock it as soon as possible. 

Change Your Fighting Strategy

This is not the easiest of games to complete. Each boss fight will bring about a new set of challenges and fighting techniques. As you progress through the game, adapting and changing your fighting strategy is vital.

If you are struggling to beat a particular boss fight, you may need to level up your character's EXP and improve your statistics before attempting to defeat them. 

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