Spintires: MudRunner Guias em Playstation 4 (PS4)

Última atualização: 25 de janeiro de 2024

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How to Get Unstuck


One of this game's frequent challenges is getting stuck in the mud. While you can avoid this by using the wayside of muddy roads or taking alternative paths, sometimes evading the mud is impossible.

However, it is possible to get unstuck thanks to a few countermeasures. Assuming your vehicle is only partially submerged, you can proceed as follows:

  • Activate all-wheel drive: The front axle is the usual culprit behind a stuck vehicle. Activating this drive mode will give more power to the back wheels and keep you from getting stuck in the mud. Asphalt and sandy roads are manageable without all-wheel drive, but you should activate it as soon as you see a mud road to diminish your chances of getting stuck.
  • Activate the differential locks to increase your maneuverability in mud: While this won't result in additional horsepower, it will keep your wheels turning.
  • Start turning with your wheels: With the differential locks on, you can use this simple trick to avoid getting stuck. There's always a chance you'll drive over a hidden stone that will help you regain some drivability. Use these rocks to your advantage and escape from the mud.
  • Switch to 1+ gear: +1 gear is a high-torque gear you can activate manually by hitting "R" and switching the gear using your mouse. It's particularly helpful if your truck is heavily stuck and not even the throttle is getting you anywhere. This extra gear could give you the necessary horsepower to leave the mud.
  • Hit reverse: When all else fails, accept defeat, retreat, and pick a different route.
  • Use your winch to get you out of a tough spot: Your winch should always be your last resort. Activate advanced mode by hitting "V" and choose an object to connect the winch to. You can attach the rope to trees or another vehicle before holding "F" to start rappelling. This is the standard pull mode of the winch, a process you can make faster by hitting the throttle. You can use the winch to climb steep hillsides and save your vehicle from turning upside down or falling into a chasm.

If all countermeasures fail, it's time to summon a rescue vehicle. The second vehicle should be of the same class or have a more powerful engine as the one that got stuck. You'll also want to make sure the chosen vehicle doesn't have any cargo or large tires.

  1. Place the rescue vehicle away from the mud to any circumstances that may hinder its progress.
  2. Activate advanced mode and connect the winch to the trapped vehicle. 
  3. To keep the rescue vehicle from being pulled into the mud, use the drive mode of the winch. This will activate the trapped vehicle's engine, and you can start pulling. Hitting "F" in this mode will make the vehicle accelerate, allowing you to get it out of the mud.
  4. Drive as far as you can, ensuring that the previously stuck vehicle is as far out of the mud as it can go.

If you're in Casual Mode, you can simply have the trapped vehicle towed by selecting it, pressing "F1" to activate the map, and selecting the towing vehicle on the left side of the screen (below the list of available vehicles.

While towing the stuck vehicle saves a lot of time and nerves, you're losing your cargo, which means you'll have to repeat the whole course. Towing the vehicle will also take you to the nearest garage, which may not be the best plan, especially if there are only two active garages on opposite sides of the map.

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