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Fear & Hunger 2: Termina Dicas em PC

Última atualização: 8 de junho de 2023

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Surviving the Perils of Gameplay


Limited Saves and Saving Methods

The first thing to address is the limited number of saves. You only have eight saves available and can only save by sleeping in beds or on the train. The Book of Enlightenment and the Perfection Circle offer alternate saving methods but are not advisable in the early game.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Saves

Saving the game has pros and cons. As time progresses, it becomes harder. Certain enemies spawn only on later days, and you may miss side quests. Nighttime poses greater dangers compared to mornings. Therefore, you should save only when necessary. Your first save should be within 30 minutes to an hour of game time.

Importance of Hunger and Attention to Detail

Hunger is significant in the game. Pay attention to every detail and carefully consider dialogue choices. Read character histories and play through the tutorial to learn combat mechanics. The workshop area on the train contains a combat manual and a town map. Loot everything to gather supplies like cloth, herbs, and food. Valuable books, such as Alchemy Vol. 1 and the Skin Bible, can be found. Expect frequent deaths in the first hour of gameplay, and don't hesitate to restart or experiment with different approaches.

Combat Strategies

Understanding the combat system is crucial. Attacking enemy limbs can sever them with enough damage. Targeting limbs holding weapons can neutralize their attacks. Wounding or cutting off legs can facilitate escape or throw enemies off balance. Once off balance, attacking the head becomes more effective. Other methods of damage include poisons, fire, glass, and spells. You can use guns, but ammunition is scarce. Choose fights wisely, as some enemies are weaker than they appear.

Limb Mechanics and Consequences

The limb mechanics apply to you and your enemies. Losing an arm limits weapon choices, and losing both arms hinders damage dealing. Losing a leg prevents sprinting, and losing both legs results in crawling. Losing a limb early puts you at a disadvantage. Consider decisions carefully. You don’t need to fight every enemy.

Limited Medical Supplies

Medical supplies are rare and randomly placed. Use them sparingly due to their limited availability.

Ritual Circles and Perks

Understanding ritual circles is crucial. There are three types of circles: asymmetrical, imperfect, and perfect. Skin Bible books allow drawing specific God signs on these circles. Each god has a preferred circle. Drawing the proper God sign grants benefits such as limb restoration or saving the game. Drawing God signs increases affinity, providing access to perks from their perk tree during the next sleep.

Currency and Skill Trees

You need currency to acquire perks. Defeated enemies' heads can be sacrificed in the Imperfect Circle, providing shards you can craft into soul stones. Killing NPCs allows you to learn their skill trees.

TrotThatFox provides a "Beginner Guide" for Fear and Hunger 2: Termina

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