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Dps Idle Dicas em PC

Última atualização: 6 de outubro de 2022

Aqui estão as nossas Dicas para Dps Idle sobre PC. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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General Tips


The Tungus card in the 3rd deck does not affect the magic multiplier guild's growth, so the player doesn’t have to upgrade it. 

The player should try and save as much as possible throughout the game. Don’t spend recklessly, especially just before you leave the guild. Remember to use your Hero XP perks.

The player should make their system fit their needs. This can be done by counting how much the player needs of the leaves, spheres, and skulls per section in the game. This should help the player to optimize their time better.

This is done because

  • It helps the player know when it's time to leave the guild.
  • It helps the player to judge whether something is worth doing in the game.
  • It helps the player to track their progress and see what is needed between runs.
  • It helps the player to keep track of their class level. The player needs to grow as much as they can in the first section, and this will help them later on in the game.

Always start the game by opening the daily chest and building your resources, and then move on. Remember to save just after starting and just before you end off. 

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