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An Elmwood Trail Desbloqueáveis em PC

Última atualização: 9 de junho de 2023

Aqui estão as nossas Desbloqueáveis para An Elmwood Trail sobre PC. Os itens mais confiáveis recebem o maior número de "polegares para cima" de nossos usuários e aparecem mais perto do topo!

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Useful Unlockable Items


The Detective's Badge

The Detective's Badge is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game on the hardest difficulty setting. The Detective's Badge gives you several perks, including increased health, damage, and accuracy.

Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting to unlock The Detective's Badge.

The Hard Hat

The Hard Hat is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game without dying. The Hard Hat gives you a damage reduction, making you more difficult to kill.

Complete the game without dying to unlock The Hard Hat

The Speed Boots

The Speed Boots are an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing the game in under 2 hours. The Speed Boots give you a speed boost, allowing you to move around the game world faster.

Complete the game in under 2 hours to unlock The Speed Boots

The Invisibility Cloak

The Invisibility Cloak is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by finding all 100 hidden items in the game. The Invisibility Cloak allows you to become invisible, making you undetectable to enemies.

Find all 100 hidden items in the game to unlock The Invisibility Cloak

The Golden Gun

The Golden Gun is an unlockable item in Elmwood Trail. You can obtain it by completing all of the game's challenges. The Golden Gun is a powerful weapon that can kill enemies in a single shot.

Complete all of the game's challenges to unlock The Golden Gun.

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Seika Reyn, há 1 ano Resposta
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