Sons of the Forest Cheaty na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 21 kwietnia 2023
Sons of the Forest
  • Kategoria: Główna gra
  • Po raz pierwszy wydany: Feb 22, 2023
  • Gatunki: Simulator, Adventure, Indie
  • Tematy: Action, Horror, Survival

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Konami Code Easter Egg

Easter Eggs

The Konami Code was first used in "Gradius", the NES version of the game called "Contra". The code gave a player 30 extra lives in the game, it was literally impossible to complete the game without using the code. This famous code is also known as the "Contra Code."

The original soundtrack from "The Forest '' will play on the title screen of the game, after typing in the Konami cheat code. The cheat code is “up↑,up↑,↓ down,↓ down, ←left,→ right, ←left,→right, B, A, Enter.”

Subscribe shows you an easter egg from Sons of the Forest.

Log Duplication Glitch


In Sons of the Forest there are two different methods to cause a log duplication glitch. The first log duplication glitch only works on Single Player. To access this glitch you’ll need to grab a log and put it down in front of you.

You’ll need to equip yourself with the Modern or Firefighter Ax and begin to spam (rapidly press) the “button” that picks up the log, While you swing your ax. A glitch will cause the log you have just chopped to duplicate into another log.  

The second log duplication glitch works in every player mode. To access the log duplication glitch, you will first need to go to your building book and go to the second “Tree Shelter” page.  

When the outlines of the tree shelter appear on your screen, take out your Modern ax and head over to one of the corners of the tree shelter. You’ll need to take a few steps back, basically be as far away from the tree structure as you can but just within the hitting range of your ax.

Swipe your ax on the corner of the tree shelter and multiple tree logs will fall from the shelter. This glitch doesn’t always work but will only work when structure damage is “ON” under the game settings.

Kibbles Gaming shares the log duplication glitch with us.

Crate Duplicate Glitch


A duplication glitch occurs in Sons of the Forest, that allows you to duplicate items you find in crates. In order for this glitch to work you will need to create a tent, all you basically need to create a tent is a tarp and a stick.

Once you have created a tent, you can save your game and exit to the Main Menu. Then, you must reload your saved game and all the items in the crate will reset. This glitch was patched in an update but it still respawns items that aren’t placed in crates.

There are several different camps located in the game that have supplies, such as ammunition, lying on the ground. You’ll still be able to duplicate all the items that can be found outside of any campsite.

AerO R2 shares a duplication glitch in Sons of the Forest.

How to Create a Fire


Fire is one of the most important resources in most survival games, including Sons of the Forest. In this game you’ll need fire to cook your own food, it will provide you with some warmth during the cold winter months, and provide some light for your shelter.

In order to create a fire, you will need two sticks, which you can harvest from any tree or branch.Once you have collected the sticks, you’ll need to hold them in your hand and face downwards towards the ground, a white building prompt will soon appear.

When a building prompt appears, you will need to Press “RMB” on your keyboard. The building prompt will then change to be a broken stick symbol. Once the broken stick symbol appears, place both sticks on the ground and use a lighter with a leaf to start your fire.

Fires will continually need to be fed firewood, it’s best to build a reinforced fire, as it will burn for a longer period of time.

Gamers Heroes shares a guide on how to make fire in Sons of the Forest.

Not Everything Edible is Good for You


There are a lot of foods that are edible in the Sons of the Forest. Not everything that may seem edible is good for you. When you approach an edible item for the first time in the game, it will be marked with a question mark.

Only after ingesting the food, will you be able to later tell if the item was in fact healthy to ingest. The next time you approach that item, it will either be marked with green or red. Red always spells danger and means that the food wasn’t in fact healthy for you, while green is all systems go. 

FireSpark81 shares some tips and tricks for Sons of the Forest.

Use Ammunition Wisely


Ammunition is always regularly available in the game, you will often find ammunition in suitcases or near campsites. You can run out of ammunition in the game and it is important to conserve your ammo in case you are attacked by a mutant.

Beginner's Guide


Sons of the Forest is a survival game and sequel to one of the greatest open world survival games “The Forest”. The game begins with you being stranded on a gargantuan island, filled with cannabis and mutant creatures.

You are able to begin the game at many different locations, if you aren’t happy with where you are located, you can restart the game and you’ll begin the game at a new starting location.

The best location to begin the game is in the middle of the forest, after crashing-landing your plane. The forest is situated in the middle of all the action and is conveniently located near some items that you will need to survive.  

The first thing that you will need to do is to open your emergency backpack and crafting mat. You’ll need to Press  “I” to open up the crafting mat and equip yourself with the GPS tracker, an ax, a lighter, and the survival handbook that illustrates how to create your own shelter or other useful structures. 

From the moment you start the game, you’ll need to start collecting items and resources that are located in suitcases or crates. The more resources that you are able to loot, it increases your chances of survival in the game. 

Once you have collected enough resources from the crash site, it’s best you open up your GPS tracker and look for an area near a river. It’s important to set up a campsite near the river as you will never run out of water and you can swim away from some of your enemies in deep water.

When you have conveniently located an ideal spot to call home, you’ll need to place down all your camping gear and begin to make a shelter. Tents are one of the easiest shelters to make in the game, and you can save your game by entering into a resting area.

To make a tent all you will need is a stick and a tarp, the tarp is located in one of the suitcases that you would have looted earlier in the game. You can gather a stick from any branch or tree.

You can also build a more permanent shelter with the help of the building structure book. Open the book and page through it, you’ll find different platforms and shelters that you can build.

To chop down logs or build a permanent structure, you’ll need to use an Modern or Firefighters ax. When chopping down trees, you will need to aim your ax at the base of the tree and swing it several times in order for the tree to be cut down.

Once you have safely built a shelter, you can write down instructions to collect materials and resources in your notepad and give it your companion. Kelvin and Virginia are your AI companions in the game, Kelvin will gather food and clear areas for your shelter.

Food is a scarce resource at the beginning of the game. Fish is one of the most abundant available sources of food, you must instruct Kelvin to collect fish from the river, and you’ll never go hungry.

After you have created a fire and established a shelter, you’ll need to go and find a 3D printer that is located in one of the underground caves. The 3D allows you to create some useful items that you will need, such as a Mask, this will pacify some of the cannibals.

The 3D printer uses resin as a resource to craft items. You’ll also need to craft items such as a sled and tech mesh with the printer. Always remember to avoid the cannibals and never attack them unless they attack you first.

TagBackTV shares a beginners guide for Sons of the Forest.

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