Pumpkin Panic Wskazówki na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 1 listopada 2023

Oto nasze Wskazówki na Pumpkin Panic na PC. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

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Survival Tips


1. Facing the Crawling Monster

When you hear creepy music, a crawling monster is on the prowl. You can't run from it, so dash into your house as soon as the music starts. Don't wait too long, or it might get you.

2. Dealing with the Shadow Monster

At night, when your house is dark because the candles are out, a shadow monster comes around. In this case, it's safer to leave your house. It might be scary, but stepping outside is the best way to avoid the shadow monster.

3. Handling the Clown and His Balloon

At night, you need to find a clown and take his balloon. But here's the twist – you'll have to return it later, or the clown will come after you. So, make sure to return the balloon to stay safe.

4. Being Cautious Around the Deer

The deer is sneaky. It slowly gets closer to you. If you get too close to it, it turns into a scary monster that can harm you. But don't worry; you'll have a few seconds to run away when it changes, so keep your distance and stay safe.

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