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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Wskazówki na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 10 lutego 2023

Oto nasze Wskazówki na Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy na PC. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

Czy podoba ci się Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy?

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Star-Lord: How to Use It


Star-Lord, the head of the Guardians of the Galaxy, is the character you take on, and the reason he has a pair of jet boots is to enable him to dash, jump out of reach, and avoid enemies. Star-Lord can be effective in melee combat, but he is better off approaching from a medium distance so he can direct the other Guardians and scan the battlefield while firing his blasters. Maintaining Star-Lord in the air as much as you can during battles will allow you to quickly move him to where he is needed.

Pay Attention to the Weaknesses of the Opponent


Early on in the game, when you don't have access to many different attack types, this is less important, but as the game progresses, paying attention to the tiny markers next to the enemy health bars will greatly aid you. These markers indicate the type of damage you should be dealing to the enemy, both for increased stagger and health depletion. During a battle, these markers will also change to reflect any adjustments to the enemy's condition. The Tactical Scan Perk, which you can purchase for Star-Lord's visor, will also allow you to gather information on the weaknesses of the foe you are up against, which you can then use to your advantage to compromise them.

Utilize the Abilities of Other Guardians Frequently


You'll learn about the unique skills that each member of your crew has during Chapter 1 of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, and you can use the Guardians Mode menu to direct them to use those skills in battle. Before you can use a Guardian ability again, it must first go through a cooldown period. They will make difficult battles much easier to handle, so be sure to use them whenever they are available during combat. Find out how you can enhance the Guardians' fighting prowess by reading our Crafting Perks Guide. 

Health is Increased by Melee Attacks


Star-Lord can punch or kick enemies in melee combat in addition to shooting them with his blasters. Due to your proximity to the enemy, melee attacks may do less damage and leave you more vulnerable, but they also give you more opportunities to collect health drops from defeated enemies, which will help you restore your HP a little bit more.

Utilize your Surroundings to your Advantage When Fighting


When you are engaged in combat, pay attention to your surroundings because occasionally, the Guardians will leave behind items they can use as weapons. You can give your crew orders to use the surroundings in battle if you're using Guardians mode. Giving Drax orders to throw barrels or rocks at adversaries is an illustration of this.

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