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Deepest Sword Cheaty na PC

Ostatnio zaktualizowany: 8 lutego 2023

Oto nasze Cheaty na Deepest Sword na PC. Najbardziej godne zaufania produkty otrzymują najwięcej "kciuków w górę" od naszych użytkowników i pojawiają się bliżej szczytu!

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Deepest Sword Mods


FlooferLand created a few Deepest Sword mods, but they're not big enough to warrant their own repository.

To install the modifications,

First, go to to download the BepInEx mod loader.

Once you've downloaded it, extract all of its files from the zip file into the directory where Deepest Sword.exe is located (typically C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonDeepest Sword).

After that, you must start the game once more in order to initialize BepInEx.

Additionally, you can download any of my mods from the release page. 

After that, drag the mod(s) into "..Deepest SwordBepInExplugins."

The game ought to run successfully at this point!

Constructing the projects


Install the ".NET Desktop Development" package along with Visual Studio 2022.

Download this repository, then extract it, or clone it.

Create a BuildVars directory in the same location as the .sln file in the directory of the mod you wish to modify.

Make the path to the directory where you installed Deepest Sword in a text file called deepest_sword_path.txt, and then paste it there in the BuildVars directory.

The following items should be pasted into the lib directory:

All the DLLs in ..\Deepest Sword\BepInEx\Core (besides Harmony20.dll).

From ..\Deepest Sword\Deepest Sword_Data\Managed, the following DLLs:

The NStrip.exe file should then be placed in the lib directory after you have downloaded and extracted NStrip.

Run the following command from the lib directory on the terminal CD:
NStrip -p -cg --cg-exclude-events --remove-readonly Assembly-CSharp.dll Assembly-CSharp-nstrip.dll.

At this point, you ought to be able to open the .sln file for the mod you want to edit or add to.

You should also use the UnityExplorer mod for development because it enables real-time game modification and allows you to explore game scenes.

Check out the jumping mod in action in the video.

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