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Expeditions: Rome Guides on PC

Last Updated: April 21, 2023

Here are our Guides for Expeditions: Rome on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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How to Start to Vinyard Quest


At the end of the first act, you should find yourself back in the city of Rome. This is where you can start the Vinyard Quest. Although this quest is optional. We suggest you take it as it helps you build a nice bit of denarii before you dive into the next act.

The quest starts from your home when you talk to Syneros. He will let you know how well your vineyard is doing and suggest you should take a trip to the market to sell the produce. Once you head to the market, you will meet with three Merchants; Cordius, Quintus, and Vipsanius. 

Each merchant will make an offer for your wine. Keep in mind at this point, you would experience a 5-year time skip forward. Cordius offers you 5000 denarii at the end of the 5 years. You don’t get the money instantly but will be 5000 denarii richer after the time skip. 

Quintus offers you 3400 denarii on the spot. Your family has a long-standing relationship with him as your father had business with him before. If you are taking the moral road with your character, he would be the right choice.

Vipsanius offers you 4000 denarii in total. He offers half before and a half after he has received the wine. Unfortunately, Vipsanius does not keep his word after the time skip. This leaves you with only 2000 denarii.

For the best deal, keep the time skip in mind. With Cordius you will receive 5000 denarii, Quintus 3400 denarii, and Vipsanius 2000. Clearly, we have 2 choices. The better of the two would be Cordius, as you earn the most. To keep a good relationship though, you might want to go with Quintus. 

How to solve Riddles in the Olympian Quest


To start the Olympian quest, you need to have conquered Mytilene. You would also have to have access to your legion, Legio VIctrix. From there, you will then travel to the Temple of Apollon in East Asia Minor. 

When you get into the Temple, go straight past the market and go up one flight of stairs. Take a left. There you will see Pigres standing by a statue. Talk to him. He will then call and accuse Syneros of dealing in bad faith with his grandfather. Pigres will demand revenge. 

You can either end the quest here by saying you don’t have time for it, or you can suggest that Syneros and Pigres’s grandfather have a rematch. Pigres will accept the match in his grandfather's name, and they start fighting.

Syneros beats Pigres by breaking his collarbone, and that concludes that part of the quest. When you return to the Legion you will find Diodoros at the gate waiting. Diodoros and Syneros have a battle of riddles to finally put the dispute to rest. 

Diodoros will ask you about 7 riddles, and you can choose between three possible answers. Alternatively, you can also use the Ethos or Logos methods to answer the riddles. 

Here is a list of all the Riddles and their potential answers:

  • Question: "A man went out of his. He came back home, and all of his clothes were wet, yet not a single hair on his head was wet. How could this be?"
    Answer: The man is bald (select option 3 or 4).
  • Question: "Consider two fathers and two sons. They go fishing one day. They need to eat one fish each. How many do they need to catch?"
    Answer: Three (select option 3 or 4)
  • Question: "Consider this thing which is all about, but can never be seen. It can be captured yet cannot be held. It has no throat, but you can hear it."
    Answer: The wind (select option 3 or 4)
  • Question: "Consider this thing: The more you have of it, the less you see."
    Answer: Darkness (select option 2 or 3)
  • Question: "Consider a beast which devours all other beats. It gnaws on iron and grinds stones to dust. It slays kings and ruins town. It even beats mountains down."
    Answer: Time (select option 2 or 4)
  • Question: Consider this thing: It cannot be seen, and it weighs nothing. You can put it in a barrel. When you do, the barrel is lighter." 
    Answer: A hole (select option 2 or 4)
  • Questions: "Consider Alexandros Megas. When he conquered Gordion, how did he unravel the knot?"
    Answer: He cut it (select option 2 or 3)

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