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Overwatch Indices sur Xbox One (X1)

Dernière mise à jour: 3 septembre 2020

Voici nos Indices pour Overwatch sur Xbox One. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Safely look around corners


You can use an emote to enter third person and look around corners without the risk of being shot.

Rocket splash damage


Aim Soldier 76’s rockets at your opponents’ feet so you have a better chance of getting them with splash damage even if your shot misses.

D.Va's ultimate tip


Aim D.Va’s ultimate into the air so that it will explode in midair and shower down on your opponents from above, making it harder to dodge.

Distracting opponents with Lúcio


Lúcio can be used as a distraction by going to high points on the map to draw your opponents’ attention away from the rest of the team.

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