Tales of Symphonia Remastered Glitch sur Nintendo Switch

Dernière mise à jour: 31 mai 2023

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Transfer Glitch


The game is ladened with animation glitches, and the transfer glitch is one of the most common bugs.

The transfer glitch will happen only once you have cleared the Remote Island Human Ranch and tried to warp to Sylvarant. The game will allow you to warp to Sylvarant, but you will then be taken back to the Remote Island Human Ranch when you try transferring to another area of the map. 

Liesbeth van Dijk demonstrates the Transfer Glitch

Frame Drop Glitches


Countless scenes have frame drops. The original Gamecube version ran at 60 frames per second. However, the remastered version is extremely slow.

When you enter areas like the “Desert Ruins'', the game will generally have a low frame rate per second. The desert area has more particles in the scene, which seems to make the framerate glitch. The framerate also glitches out in cutscenes and while you are fighting. 

Kortrex shares some glitches he found in Tales of Symphonia

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