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Football Manager 2022 Glitch sur Nintendo Switch

Dernière mise à jour: 12 décembre 2022

Voici nos Glitch pour Football Manager 2022 sur Nintendo Switch. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Frozen again


There have been reports that football manager 2022 would either Freeze, has low Frames per second, or outright crashes. The most common solution to this problem is to lower the graphics of the game so that it does not draw too much performance from your device.

User Preferences


On the main screen, players can customise different stats to be displayed in different columns so that the home screen feels comfortable and homely. However, there have been some players experiencing the customisable columns changing back to the default columns when switching between tabs. After certain patches, a preference is changed. Head over to your preference settings and search the phrase “automatic”. Take a look at the second option, which should be a setting with the phrase “Automatically override custom panels?” make sure that this is not selected.

Stop stealing my players!!


SO the way to get ingame players is to sign them to a contract, if they are serving out a contract, you would get them to sign provisional contracts, to secure them for your team once their current contract expires. There have been game players reporting that once they get players to sign a provisional contract, once the transfer window opens, the players that they have signed, get picked into other teams and that their provisional contracts just disappear. This can be a source of a lot of frustration as certain in-game players take a lot of patience to sign on to your team.

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