Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Indices sur Nintendo Switch

Dernière mise à jour: 11 mai 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse sur Nintendo Switch. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Look out for Specters


In Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, there are several ghosts that will pop up and try to kill you. Specters are one of the most elusive ghosts in the game that will appear as you walk around in gameplay.

Specters will usually make an appearance when you are moving down a corridor and will occur in different rooms. These ghosts move very quickly, so you will need to be fast with your camera in order to capture them.

Use Film Sparingly


The Camera Obscura is one of two weapons that you can use to fight off ghosts in Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Like most ancient cameras, the Obscura uses film that come in Type-7, Type-14, Type-61,Type-90, and Type-00.

Higher the film types are more effective and have a stronger exorcism power. Each film type is limited in the game, except for the weakest one “Type-7” that is infinite. Therefore, it’s best to conserve your stronger film types for fighting against deadly ghosts. 

Use the Fatal Frame


There are different camera shots that you can make when fighting and trying to inflict damage on a ghost. The most risky and powerful camera shot to use against ghosts is the Fatal Frame.

The Fatal Frame shot is taken just as the ghost is about to attack you, and allows you to take  a chain of powerful shots immediately after the first shot. This camera shot will destroy any ghost if paired with the correct film type.   

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