MX vs. ATV: Legends Guides sur PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Dernière mise à jour: 21 avril 2023

Voici nos Guides pour MX vs. ATV: Legends sur PlayStation 5. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Read the tutorials in full


With MX vs. ATV Legends, there are a lot of in-game tutorials. Everyone should be aware of this when they first begin the game. These tutorials are frequently beneficial for new players who might not fully understand all the intricacies of various gameplay elements.

A player should always at the very least glance over a few lessons to refresh their memory of MX vs. ATV Legends and how everything functions. They could at least finally comprehend a particular quirk that may have puzzled them.

Free Roam To Improve Your Control.


Free-roaming isn't thought to be a particularly fun game mode in MX Vs. ATV Legends. The open landscape that a player can freely explore is incredibly barren and generally has little to offer in the way of exploration.

Free Roam mode, on the other hand, can be used by any player to perfect their controls. The huge, open area that players can explore will allow them to practice all kinds of controls, including improving their steering.

Drifting and jumping require practice


In MX vs. ATV Legends, there are two things that a player can find themselves having the most trouble with. They include the capacity for both drifting and jumping.

Even though they are extremely crucial to understand to get better at the game, they are challenging to master. To master drifting and jumping, a player will have to go through a lot of trial and error. Free roaming, fortunately, will be their greatest option as it will provide a less stressful manner for them to explore and attempt again.

Learning what you should be doing to master a jump is important, this guide will give you some insight into jumping as well as some other in-game tips

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