Bread & Fred Cheats sur Playstation 4 (PS4)

Dernière mise à jour: 8 août 2023
Bread & Fred
  • CATÉGORIE: Jeu principal
  • Première sortie: May 22, 2023
  • Genre: Platform, Indie
  • Thèmes: Action
  • Notations: PEGI 3, ESRB E

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Reach the Top Fast


To reach the top of the mountain fast, first, enable "Infinite Jumps" in the assist options, but don't worry about missing achievements; you can still get them. Now, to reach lightning speed and quickly ascend to the top, simply spam the "Jump" + "Grab" buttons. This trick works for both Single- and Multiplayer, but if you're playing with a friend, remember that both of you need to perform the trick. 

Bread and Fred Cheats


Bread and Fred have taken the multiplayer world by storm. As if it couldn’t get any better, you can use cheats with it now. To use cheats in Bread and Fred, you need to make use of a trainer. We suggest using Plitch Trainer. Here are the cheats that Plitch offers:

  • Set horizontal force
  • Set vertical force

Finding References in a Hidden Cave

Œufs de Pâques

As you embark on your gaming journey through the captivating world of Bread and Fred, you'll be delighted to discover a plethora of cleverly hidden Easter eggs. In the forest-themed stage, spot a character resembling Hollow Knight, paying homage to the beloved game. Look out for the charming Celestronauts in the holiday-themed level, a nod to Celeste.

In the bustling city stage, find a graffiti mural featuring pixelated Mario, evoking nostalgia for classic adventures. Keep an eye out for the cooking pot reference to Step Dad's Breath of the Wild in the mountainous region. Spot the Minecraft-inspired building in the futuristic world, and the Mirror's Edge graffiti in the cyberpunk cityscape. These Easter eggs add an exciting touch of familiarity and joy to your gaming adventure. 

Here’s a video showing you the references.

Flying Glitch


For certain players, this glitch provided some humor to the game. While you are working through the caves and snow with your penguins attached to snow, you might find one of the penguins start flying. This happens with no prompts and we don’t know how long it lasts but it definitely helps you get through the map while your partner holds on for dear life. 

Here’s a video showing this glitch in action.

Playing with Greg


In the game, start by picking Greg as your character. Greg possesses a rock, which can be lifted and thrown if necessary. The rock can also be used for swinging, adding a dynamic element to your gameplay. Additionally, you have the option to pull the rock towards Greg or Greg towards the rock, adding versatility to your strategy. Now, armed with these abilities, take charge of Greg and progress through the game, aiming to reach the ultimate goal and successfully finish the game. 

Coordinate with Your Partner


If you have a friend playing alongside you, effective communication and coordination are crucial. Collaborate to strategize and execute moves harmoniously. Utilize each other as anchor points and make the most of the swinging mechanics to achieve your objectives efficiently.

Experiment with Rope Length


The rope connecting Bread and Fred influences your movements significantly. Experiment with various rope lengths to optimize your abilities in tackling specific challenges and solving puzzles. Not only will this make you experience more fun, but it will help you face the more difficult levels as you progress.

Use Anchoring Wisely


Anchoring is a useful technique to provide stability and prevent unnecessary movements. Learn when to anchor yourself or your partner strategically, making swinging and platform navigation smoother and more controlled. 

Pay Attention to Level Design


Each level in Bread and Fred offers subtle clues and patterns that aid in puzzle-solving and progression. Observe the level design carefully to unveil hidden secrets and discover alternative routes to advance. 

Practice Timing and Momentum


Timing is of the essence in Bread and Fred. Master how momentum affects your swings and jumps, refining your ability to perform precise actions. Proper timing will help you to conquer challenging sections with confidence.

Explore Hidden Areas


Keep an attentive eye out for hidden paths, secrets, and Easter eggs scattered throughout the game. Exploration may lead you to unique challenges or unveil rewarding surprises. Check the easter egg section to find out what secrets you can find in these hidden areas.

How to Swing


Mastering the art of swinging and rope mechanics in Bread and Fred adds a unique dynamic to the game. Anchoring is essential; press "S" or the down arrow key for player 2 to anchor yourself to the ground and "E" or right CTRL for player 2 to anchor to the side of a wall temporarily.

Utilize anchored partners to gain height or distance during swings. For long gaps, one penguin anchors on a platform while the other hangs in the air to build momentum. Practice swinging with your partner to enhance your gameplay and enjoy the exciting adventure in Bread and Fred to the fullest!

Watch this video to learn how to swing.

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