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Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Guides sur PC

Dernière mise à jour: 31 décembre 2022

Voici nos Guides pour Elite Dangerous: Odyssey sur PC. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Beginner's Guide


If you have played Horizon or other similar games you may be tempted to jump straight into Elite Dangerous: Odyssey multiplayer mode. This is a bad idea as this game has a lot of new dynamics that may be frustrating, but worry not as there are plenty of tutorials for you to learn through. This guide is going to be focused on the newer aspects of the game and not general gameplay.



There are four different suits for you to wear in-game at the moment. You start with the basic flight suit, the same as you have in Horizon, but as you progress, there is also the Artemis, Maverick, and Dominator suit, and each suit has its strengths and weaknesses.

Flight Suit - This is your basic starter suit. 

  • Weapons: Only Pistols
  • Capacity: 5 Goods/ 10 Assets /10 Data
  • Shield: 7.5mw
  • Battery: 7mw

Artemis Suit -This is your basic starter suit. 

  • Weapons: 1 Primary and 1 Secondary
  • Tool: Genetic Sampler
  • Capacity: 10 Goods/ 20 Assets /10 Data
  • Shield: 12mw
  • Battery: 17mw

Maverick Suit -This is your basic starter suit. 

  • Weapons: 1 Primary and 1 Secondary
  • Tool: Arc Cutter
  • Capacity: 15 Goods/ 30 Assets /10 Data
  • Shield: 13.5mw
  • Battery: 13.5mw

Dominator Suit -This is your combat suit. 

  • Weapons: 2 Primary and 1 Secondary
  • Capacity: 5 Goods/ 10 Assets /10 Data
  • Shield: 15mw
  • Battery: 10mw

All of the suits have access to an energy link (turning on devices), an analysis scanner, a shield, and a backpack. Each suit has resistance against different damage types, with your Dominator being the most resistant. All of the suits require power to work with your Artemis designed for exploration it has the largest battery.



The weapons have been split up into 3 different damage types: Kinetic, Thermal, and Plasma. There are +- about 3 weapons for each damage type, with them primarily being a Pistol, SMG, and Assult Rifle. 

Avoid the SMGs as they don't work as well damage wise it's not a big step up from a pistol; the Assult Rifle is the way to go.

The best damage type in this game has to be Plasma, as most obstacles that you will be shooting either have a high resistance to Kinetic or Thermal damage. Plasma just gets the job done without you having to swap between different weapons the whole time.

Down to Earth Astronomy gives a rundown of the new aspects in-game.

Engineers and Upgrades


The weapons and suits that you buy will mostly be level 1, and there are 4 upgrades you can do, but they require you to source the materials. Every time you upgrade your gear, there is an engineering slot that is unlocked so you can modify your weapons while upgrading them.

There are ways to get your engineering modifications earlier on by keeping an eye out for upgraded weapons at your vendors. These weapons are randomly generated and occasionally come with different engineering mods. 

As you progress through the game, you will encounter engineers who make various modifications to your gear. Domino Green is the best starting engineer as she will tell you about other engineers and you don't need special knowledge to find her. From there, you can unlock other engineers and gain access to better modifications.

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