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Kingdom Maker Glitch sur iOS

Dernière mise à jour: 21 avril 2023

Voici nos Glitch pour Kingdom Maker sur iOS. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Log In With Two Devices At The Same Time


You can log in on two devices and exploit differences in internet connections. This is an especially unusual glitch that will give you a bit of an edge over other players because another player can be used, and by playing two players at the same time, you will be a much faster player, making better choices that are normally allowed while only playing as one player.

Mr Gill Plays goes through some helpful glitches, tips and hints.

How To Create Duplicate Events


Upgrading your keep can at times duplicate your available events. This will allow you to gain double the experience on events, given that they will be completed faster than the allowed timeframe. By doing this, you will greatly improve your ability to gain extra resources. Enabling you to play events at double speed.

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