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Pokémon Sleep Indices sur Android

Dernière mise à jour: 4 décembre 2023

Voici nos Indices pour Pokémon Sleep sur Android. Les articles les plus fiables obtiennent le plus de « pouces levés » de nos utilisateurs et apparaissent plus près du sommet!

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Beginner’s Guide


Feed Hungry Pokémon With Poké Biscuits

Hungry Pokémon have higher chances of getting Big or Mega Hits, so it’s best to feed them a Poké Bisguilt first. Poké Biscuits yield one friendship point each, but there’s always a chance you could max out a Hungry Pokémon’s friendship points with a Mega Hit.

Match Pokémon’s Speciality with Your Snorlax Preferences

A Pokémon’s Specialty determines what items it gathers. For example, a “Berries” specialist will gather your sleeping Snorlax’s favorite fruits, while an “Ingredient” specialist will gather recipe items. While you’re asleep, Pokémon who reach their cap will feed some of the berries they’ve collected to your Snorlax, so you’ll want to make sure their Specialty matches your Snorlax’s preferences so you’re guaranteed the highest Drowsy Power.

The Notes Section Grants You Diamonds

As you progress and discover more Pokémon, you’ll receive notes from the Researchers investigating the Pokémon’s sleeping habits. The notes come with diamonds you’ll have to manually collect by going to the Notes section in the Main Menu.

Gather and Stock Up on Dream Clusters

Later in the game, you can exchange Dream Clusters for Dream Shards. Hold onto your Dream Clusters as long as possible to sell them at the maximum exchange rate later in the game.

Collect Rewards from Manual Data Entry

You won’t receive the usual rewards from manual data entry. Instead, it’ll restore your Pokémons’ energy and increase the chance of earning biscuits during your next sleep session. Remember that the manual data entry rewards are only granted once daily. To enter this data, go to the main menu and select “Add Sleep Data.”

Add Friends to Earn Free Pokémon Candies

You can earn free Pokémon Candies whenever a friend studies specific creatures. You’ll also gain more Closeness points, which increase the chance of farming lucrative rewards. Add your friends by going to the Research Community section of the Main Menu and entering their ID or scanning their QR Code.

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