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Eldest Souls Hints on Nintendo Switch

Last Updated: October 23, 2021

Here are our Hints for Eldest Souls on Nintendo Switch. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Health Refill, Boss Patterns and Dodging


Health Refill

There are no potions or in-game items you can use, the only way you will be able to refill your health is to use your charge attack. To do this you will need to be in Bloodthirst mode, and your character will charge forward slashing. During the slashing, you can be healing simultaneously. 

It is important to note that this attack move is very slow, making it a risk you need to time correctly.

Boss Patterns

Each boss has its own style of fighting in the arena. The idea is not to attack it all the time, you will need to be patient with them and wait for an opening. Once you have found a pattern with the boss, you will be able to deal large amounts of damage to them in their weak moments.

With the natural intensity of these fights, finding a pattern will make it much easier to defeat these bosses. It should be noted though your mistakes can be heavily punished in these moments. 

Perfect Dodging

If you dodge an attack well, your character will flash green for a moment. This indicated you have landed a perfect dodge and therefore you are rewarded for this. Some skills will be enhanced from your dodging abilities, so always try and get it right.

This video show's you some of the above hints and provides some more.

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