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Generation Zero Easter Eggs on PC

Last Updated: February 9, 2023

Here are our Easter Eggs for Generation Zero on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Video Game on TV

Easter Eggs

There is a working TV on which a video game is being displayed. Neither the TV nor the console can be damaged.

Back to the Future car

Easter Eggs

In the northwest area of the map, you can find the car from Back to the Future. If you interact with it by going around to the back, it will leave and fly around the barn a few times before disappearing.

FYI  -  At  least  on  Xbox  One.  
The  car  can  only  be  activated  once.  After  it  respawns  you  can  no  longer  activate  it  to  make  it  fly  again.
BJ Cantrell, 3 years ago - Reply

Kalle and Ada

Easter Eggs

The city of Kalleby has a street named Adagatan. This is a reference to “Kalle and Ada,” a type of joke in Sweden.

Dark Souls reference

Easter Eggs

West of Salthamn, you can find a bonfire with a weapon in it. This is a reference to Dark Souls, as well as a hidden weapon, since you can take it.

Monty Python reference

Easter Eggs

Locked storage houses sometimes contain the Holy Hand Grenade from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It is more powerful than a regular grenade.

Church Organ Music

Easter Eggs

If you interact with church organs, they will play music.

Questions, Answers and Comments

Ask a Question

on  the  ps4  the  game  is  glitches  out  .And  the  bunkers  are  glitches  out.or  the  bunkers  not  there...  need  more  wood  in  the  game  ............please  help
aaron, 5 months ago Reply
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