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Dangerous Driving Hints on PC

Last Updated: July 31, 2019

Here are our Hints for Dangerous Driving on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Basic Driving Tips


Adjusting your controller sensitivity can help a lot in races, especially when you’re racing a fast vehicle. Increase the sensitivity if you want to turn faster, and decrease it if you’re having trouble keeping control of the car.

Make sure to keep an eye out further down the road and check when you’re turning a corner to see what cars are around and which direction they’re going.

Since the game is very fast-paced, you should always make sure you’re keeping an eye on what’s up ahead so you can react to any cars, turns, etc. in time.

Tyre Kicker Hint


While the Tyre Kicker trophy/achievement says you need to drive 50 miles in every car, this isn’t quite true. You actually can get it by driving 50 miles in every car but one. The reason for this is that one of the cars was added to the game later in development than the others, and so the counter for the trophy/achievement is at one less than the actual number of cars.

Note: since this does not seem to be intended, it’s possible this will be patched and no longer apply.

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