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Atomic Heart Hints on PC

Last Updated: April 21, 2023

Here are our Hints for Atomic Heart on PC. The most trustworthy items get the most 'thumbs up' from our users and appear nearer the top!

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Boris Brejcha


Boris Brejcha is a well known DJ and music composer, he composed the soundtrack called “Atomic Heart” that features in the game. In the last secret area of Atomic Heart, you will find a face mask next to a record player that gives reference to Boris Brejcha.

Rocketsignz94 shares the Boris Brejcha easter egg found in Atomic Heart.

Conserve Ammunition


The opening stages of Atomic Heart have limited amounts of ammunition and weapons that are available. You will need use your ammunition on boss robots. It's particularly important to save your shotgun shells at the beginning of the game to defeat a male robot.

Start on Peaceful Atom


Atomic Heart can be a tricky shooting game for beginners. There is limited amount of ammunition and weapons available from the start. It also takes a while for players to gain abilities. The game has three difficulty levels to choose: Peaceful Atom(easy), Local Malfunction( Moderate), and Armageddon (expert).

It's best to test the game on Peaceful Atom mode for the first few hours of gameplay until you get the nack for the game. Don't be fooled, you will die a lot on easy mode.

Gamespot shares some tips and hints for Atomic Heart.

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