Sifu Freischaltbar auf Xbox Series X (XboxSX)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 5. August 2023

Hier sind unsere Freischaltbar für Sifu auf Xbox Series X. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Unlocking the Mighty Cabot Move Focus Ability


In order to unlock this skill, you need to be on level 3 first (or the third mission). In this mission, your might will be tested. You will have to fight your way through to the third floor. If you have played the Museum level before then you will have access to the keycard that should allow you to bypass the rooms filled with enemies to the third floor.

When you get to the third floor, you will face a mini-boss with a staff. Defeat her and walk up to the green mask and choose to add the mask to the detective board. Once this is done you will earn XP that you can trade for the Mighty Calbot Move. 

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