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Star Trek Online Ostereier auf Xbox One (X1)

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. März 2023

Hier sind unsere Ostereier für Star Trek Online auf Xbox One. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Leonard Nimoy Memorial


When Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock, passed away, the developers added a special memorial for him into the game. Many fans went there to pay their respects in-game.

Back to the Future and Doctor Who references


The Fleet Research Lab includes devices that strongly resemble the flux capacitor from Back to the Future and the Pandorica from Doctor Who.

Memorial Plaques


Starfleet Academy includes Memorial Plaques that reference several events from the Star Trek series and universe:

  • The founding of the United Federation of Planets
  • The founding of Starfleet Academy
  • Kirk beating the unbeatable Kobayashi Maru Scenario
  • George and Gracie (the whales from the fourth Star Trek movie)
  • The death of Joshua Albert
  • The Breen attack
  • Groundskeeper Boothby

Another memorial was later added for Mark Valentine, who was part of Cryptic Studios and died of cancer.

Sisko's Baseball


Sisko’s baseball can be found preserved in his old office.

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