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Street Fighter 6 Hinweise auf PC

Letzte Aktualisierung: 5. Januar 2024

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Beginner’s Guide


Ignore Combos For Now

One of the worst things you can do as a new player is immediately try and learn how to do long combos with different characters. Sure, it's important, but you're skipping over some crucial steps and moves you'll need to master before considering combos.

One of the most important things you'll need to learn before thinking about combos is how to control the space between you and your opponent. It's one of the most challenging things to do in the game. Learning combos will only benefit you if you know when to do them.

Master the Drive System

This is another thing to ensure you understand before bothering with combos. The Drive System is a core mechanic in the game. It is found in all playable characters and features various offensive and defensive battle options.

It takes the form of the Drive Gauge, a series of green rectangles just below your health bar. Each Drive action can consume one to three bars. The bars refill over time or as you attack your opponent but will deplete every time you are hit.

Some unique Drive moves you can perform include:

  • Drive Impact (one bar): This special attack with armor that can resist up to three hits from your enemy. Punishing them with it will make them vulnerable for a few seconds.
    This can be a great call when your opponent is in the corner and performing a move with a few hits. You'll go right through their move, leaving them vulnerable for a follow-up. However, if you spam Drive Impact, you'll be exposed to counter-attacks, and if your rival performs a Drive Impact after you, they'll win. 
  • Drive Parry (Bar depletes gradually as you hold it): Repel most attacks from an enemy, except grabs and Drive Impacts. If you do it at the precise moment, you'll perform a Perfect Parry, which gives you an opening.
    Drive Parries are particularly useful when you understand combat dynamics and most of the characters, as you can predict when an enemy is about to attack you. You can also use Drive Parries to repel projectiles and recharge your Drive gauge.
  • Overdrive (two bars): Enhances a special move.
  • Drive Rush (one to three bars): This rush move lets you surprise your enemy with a quick hit or cancel a normal attack. It only costs one bar if you use it from a Drive Parry, but three if used from canceling a normal.
    Once you have a good idea of your preferred character and the game, this will be one of your main tools. Figure out how to optimize it to keep from wasting any bars of your Drive gauge. You can, for example, find combos that grant you enough time to perform a Drive Rush from a Drive Parry rather than canceling a common attack to perform a Drive Rush.
  • Drive Reversal (two bars): You create distance with your enemy while blocking.

Once the gauge is depleted, you'll enter a burnout state that will leave you vulnerable to attacks, making it impossible to use any Drive tools for a while.

Use Super Arts When You Can

Super Arts are your most powerful attack and can take one to three stocks of your Super Art Gauge, which carries progress between rounds and is changed by landing attacks.

Each character has three different Super Arts, each requiring more bars and dealing more damage. The most expensive one is a cinematic attack, and if you perform it while at low health, your bar will say "Critical Art," and you will perform an alternate version of the attack.

What You Can Do in Different Battle Modes

Fighting Grounds is the menu where you will select different battle modes. These include:

  • One on one: Regular battles.
  • Team Battles: You can create a team of characters and decide how to fight against another team in 1v1 matches.
  • Extreme Battles: Fights where unique gimmicks occur, such as dangerous objects appearing on the screen, buffs and debuffs, challenges, etc.
  • Arcade: Your classic series of battles against a CPU. You learn about your character's story.
  • Casual Match: The basic online mode you can use against friends and strangers.
  • Ranked Match: These online battles give you League Points (LP), and you will progress through different ranks. Your rank is tied to the character you use.
  • Custom Room: Create a lobby for up to 16 players and four cabinets. Each cabinet can have a different function, like One on One, Extreme Battle, and Training.
  • Training: Your basic place to go and test everything you want about your character. It comes with a wide variety of options.
  • Tutorial: A series of tasks that explains the basics of the combat system, like movement options, different attacks, the Drive System, etc.
  • Character Guides: A series of explanations that go deep into what a character can do,
  • Combo Trials: A selection of challenges that require you to complete certain combos. It is divided into Beginner, Intermediate, and advanced.

Use the Training Mode to Your Advantage

Training mode is where you will learn about what your character is capable of and how far you can go with specific routes and possibilities (when you're more advanced). This mode's many customizable options allow you to replicate different scenarios from a real fight so you can figure out the best possible strategies.

For example, you can force your enemies to jump constantly so you can test anti-airs and aerial attacks, or you can have them throw projectiles at you to figure out which of your moves are best to counter those attacks with.

Learn a Little Bit About Each Character

The game has 18 playable characters, each with a unique move set that'll have you sitting at your screen for hours as you try to figure out how to perform each one and which would be best to use in different situations.

While it's more common to master one or two characters (something you should still do), you should try to give every fighter a chance and learn the basics of each so you can truly figure out which character is best for you. The game's Character Guide mode will teach you a few things about each fighter, so look at it.

Once you've done that, you can set up a battle against a computer or try to complete your chosen character's Arcade mode.  

Some notable fighters include:

  • Ryu and Ken - Your best bet if you're looking for a well-balanced character.
  • Zangief and Manon - Perfect for players who prefer grabbers.
  • Dhalsim, JP, and Jamie - Gimmicky fighters
  • Blanka, Guile, and Dee Jay - The best fighters for controlling space. 

Practice Your Master Actions Everywhere

The World Tour grants you access to an open world with routes and areas you can explore while leveling up a customizable character. You only start with a few special moves but along the way you'll encounter missions and meet Masters, who will teach you their Master Actions, which you can use outside battles.

These moves are great for three reasons:

  1. They let you hit enemies before starting a fight (giving you a damage advantage).
  2. They allow you to break the objects around you.
  3. You can use them with traversal purposes in mind. For example, you could use Chun-Li's flying kick to get to a higher area without a ladder.

Use them while exploring World Tour to get a feel for how these actions work without the intensity of battle looming over you.

Use Pressure Time to Your Advantage in World Tour

When fighting enemies in World Tour, you'll see them flash white before or after you perform certain moves. This is called Pressure Time and is the best moment to attack your enemies because they are most vulnerable. Additionally, you'll stun them if you perform a special move during that window.

Taking note of Pressure Time will help you learn how to play in real matches, as knowing the best moment to punish your opponent is the key to becoming a better player. Most of the moves you see in story mode are taken from the main roster, meaning you'll learn the perfect way to counter-attack them in different situations if you're paying attention.

Be Wary of Certain Locations in Metro City

While exploring Metro City in World Tour, a group of NPCs will be hunting for you. Their names are written in red, and they walk around wearing cardboard boxes on their heads to show just how serious they are about the gangster life.

They're more commonly found at night, specifically in tight streets or alleys where there seems to be an endless supply. Avoid these areas as much as possible, as these encounters can become exhausting.

Fortunately, you can unlock a skill that reduces how frequently you'll have to deal with these encounters.

Explore the Battle Hub

If you want to gain a more social experience while playing online, Battle Hub is the place for you. It’s full of cabinets where you can challenge other players and spectate matches. It also allows you to play with your avatar from World Tour.

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