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Sons of the Forest Fehler auf PC

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. April 2023

Hier sind unsere Fehler für Sons of the Forest auf PC. Die vertrauenswürdigsten Artikel erhalten von unseren Benutzern die meisten "Daumen hoch" und erscheinen näher an der Spitze!

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Log Duplication Glitch


In Sons of the Forest there are two different methods to cause a log duplication glitch. The first log duplication glitch only works on Single Player. To access this glitch you’ll need to grab a log and put it down in front of you.

You’ll need to equip yourself with the Modern or Firefighter Ax and begin to spam (rapidly press) the “button” that picks up the log, While you swing your ax. A glitch will cause the log you have just chopped to duplicate into another log.  

The second log duplication glitch works in every player mode. To access the log duplication glitch, you will first need to go to your building book and go to the second “Tree Shelter” page.  

When the outlines of the tree shelter appear on your screen, take out your Modern ax and head over to one of the corners of the tree shelter. You’ll need to take a few steps back, basically be as far away from the tree structure as you can but just within the hitting range of your ax.

Swipe your ax on the corner of the tree shelter and multiple tree logs will fall from the shelter. This glitch doesn’t always work but will only work when structure damage is “ON” under the game settings.

Kibbles Gaming shares the log duplication glitch with us.

Crate Duplicate Glitch


A duplication glitch occurs in Sons of the Forest, that allows you to duplicate items you find in crates. In order for this glitch to work you will need to create a tent, all you basically need to create a tent is a tarp and a stick.

Once you have created a tent, you can save your game and exit to the Main Menu. Then, you must reload your saved game and all the items in the crate will reset. This glitch was patched in an update but it still respawns items that aren’t placed in crates.

There are several different camps located in the game that have supplies, such as ammunition, lying on the ground. You’ll still be able to duplicate all the items that can be found outside of any campsite.

AerO R2 shares a duplication glitch in Sons of the Forest.

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