Far Cry: New Dawn Разблокируемый на Playstation 4 (PS4)

Последнее обновление: 4 марта 2023 г.

Вот наши Разблокируемый для Far Cry: New Dawn на Playstation 4. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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All Endings


There are two available endings, determined by the choice you make at the very end of the game. For the good ending, you must shoot Joseph at the end of the game. For the bad ending, you must do nothing, thereby letting him live.

Unlock Co-Op Mode


Co-op mode unlocks after you talk to Kim Rye and the world opens up for you to explore.

All Unlockable Costumes


Several new outfits can be unlocked by completing various tasks.

  • Prisoner – Complete the “Inside Job” mission.
  • Derby – Complete the “Riding Derby” mission.
  • Dark Hunter – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Empty Garden Outpost.
  • Highwaymen – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Chop Shop Outpost.
  • Alley Rat – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Sacred Lumber Outpost.
  • Shadow Wolf – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Signal Point Outpost.
  • Demon Gorilla – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Trailer Town Outpost.
  • Space Ape – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Refinery Outpost.
  • Fighter Ape – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Pantry Outpost.
  • Knight – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Broken Forge Outpost.
  • Tacti-Kool Unicorn – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Island Outpost.
  • Tacti-Kool Unicorn 2 – You also have a chance to find pieces by completing the Island Outpost.
  • Rex “Power” Colt – You have a chance to find pieces by completing the Watering Hole Outpost.
  • Crashed Space Force – You have a chance to get this when you complete the I.S.S. Crash Site Expedition mission.
  • Sam Fisher – This is located in the Government Plane Wreck Expedition mission (see the Easter Eggs section for more details).

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Wie  komme  ich  bei  der  Schatzsuche  ,    (  Durchdrehen  )
in  den  Bunker  ?
Andro Michelidse, 1 год назад Ответить на
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