The Adventures of Sullivan Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 30 сентября 2021 г.

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The Adventures of Sullivan
  • Впервые выпущен: May 14, 2019

You play as Sullivan, a famous, and now retired bounty hunter, known for moon walking while fighting, defying laws of physics with fancy jump moves and air slides, and never backing down from an adversary. Our story begins when you are on your way to get a hamburger from a hip, local space pub, with your beloved cat, Claude Arthur Thatchmoore (C.A.T. for short). You are enjoying retirement, when something unthinkable happens. Henchmen of the feared and powerful cyborg bat pirates steal C.A.T. in an attempt to please their leader, who is fond of collecting all things cute and furry. Sullivan has no choice but to lay chase, and destroy anything in his way to get back his trusty sidekick, and friend.

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