Squad Killer Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 4 мая 2021 г.

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Squad Killer
  • Впервые выпущен: Mar 30, 2021
  • Рейтинги: PEGI 16,

Recalling the straightforward and addictive challenge of 8-bit classics, Squad Killer puts you in control of a retro arcade experience with a little modern flair. Graphics are presented in pixelated two-tone style but offer a touch of detail, customization and precision that pushes beyond the limits of its inspirations. Adjust the color palette, choose between multiple play modes, purchase upgrades and overcome unpredictably shuffled stage order with each run! The objective is simple – clear all enemies from the rooms you enter, obtain a key and proceed to the next level. But victory is far from certain as new types of enemies aim to end your run and a boss encounter awaits every five stages. Kill or be killed! Take each one down quickly and strategically to collect coins and buy power-ups to stack the deck in your favor.

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