Pizza Panda Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 14 ноября 2023 г.

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Pizza Panda
  • категория: Основная игра
  • Впервые выпущен: Sep 25, 2023
  • Жанры: Platform, Indie

Pizza Panda is a fast-paced pizza-delivery platformer for the PICO-8 fantasy console. Players take on the role of a panda who drives a cartoonishly agile car, jumping around small vertically oriented cityscape-style levels in order to collect pizza and deliver it directly into the mouths of various animals who are sticking their heads out of the windows of buildings. Each level presents the photographs of one or more animals to which the player must deliver the pizza, some of them wearing hats which the player must correctly place upon the animals' heads in order to make a valid delivery. There are also baby rats crawling on the roofs of some buildings which must be collected and delivered to their papa without letting them be eaten by cats. In order to accomplish these things, the player stacks pizzas, hats, and baby rats on the roof of the car and traverses the level, either touching or avoiding certain NPCs. Finding an efficient route through each level is encouraged through the use of a target time; if the player completes all the objectives of a level within the target time, a star is awarded for that level.

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