Glory & Miserable Survivors DX Руководства на PC

Последнее обновление: 19 июня 2023 г.

Вот наши Руководства для Glory & Miserable Survivors DX на PC. Самые надежные предметы получают больше всего «больших пальцев вверх» от наших пользователей и появляются ближе к вершине!

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Useful Strategies for Winning the Game



This is the best strategy to use against Rushers. You can tank and repair your items at the repair shop, or you can take damage in the Keep’s place via the Scarecrow and heal yourself and it using the Lifesteal accessory or the Heal Orb.

If you decide to go the close-quarters route, accessories like Primal Strength and Dragon Scale are best. However, if you choose the long-range route, the Flail, bows, and runes are useful with accessories such as the Mallet of Prosperity or Honey, which make it much easier to catch Rushers and take out enemies before they reach the Keep.

Crowd Control

This strategy, also known as the Black Hole Design, depends entirely on the Obsidian Pendant. You can consecutively activate over five black holes with an upgraded Duplicator and the proper accessories (the Pomodoro, the Mallet of Prosperity, and the Hallucinatory Mushroom).

Anis and Estelle can increase the black holes pull range and items like the Smokescreen, Magnet, and Graveyard and greatly slow enemies, making the black hole vastly more effective. Unfortunately, some enemies are unaffected by the black holes, namely the Holy Knights and Samurai.

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