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CrossCode: A New Home Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 6 апреля 2021 г.

читы, игровые коды, разблокировки, подсказки, советы, пасхальные яйца, глюки, руководства по игре, прохождение, скриншоты, видео и больше для CrossCode: A New Home на PC.

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CrossCode: A New Home
  • Впервые выпущен: Feb 25, 2021

A new chapter of Leas story awaits. The CrossWorlds just got bigger and that means there are new things to explore. But before you enjoy these, make sure to meet old friends, learn new words and throw an uncountable amount of balls at your enemies. A New Home continues right after the Events of CrossCode and offers more of what you learned to love already: A story rich experience filled up with tons of enemies, bosses and puzzles. Follow Lea on her journey figuring out the truth, use your elements like never before and don't forget to finish the raid. This time for real. What's included in the DLC: Fresh content which will entertain you for about 8-10 hours Explore the probably biggest dungeon we've ever created Fight against new enemies and bosses Run over water for the very first time Listen to some fresh music tracks And of course: Finish The Raid

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