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Closed Hands Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 4 июля 2021 г.

читы, игровые коды, разблокировки, подсказки, советы, пасхальные яйца, глюки, руководства по игре, прохождение, скриншоты, видео и больше для Closed Hands на PC.

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Closed Hands
  • Впервые выпущен: Mar 3, 2021

The game plays out through a combination of traditional interactive text, as well as explorable computer interfaces, conversations, IM's, phonecalls and more. CLOSED HANDS is a fragmented and complex narrative, playable in any order, that tells the story of the lead-up and aftermath of the attack: some stories go forward in time, some backwards, and some both. Players can choose to follow a single narrative arc, or jump between perspectives to get the full picture of everything that happens to the city, and it's inhabitants.

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