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Christmas Horror Коды на PC

Последнее обновление: 3 января 2022 г.

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Christmas Horror
  • Впервые выпущен: Dec 2, 2021

Merry Christmas! Santa Claus is ready to take over your soul and gain a few more years of life. He only needs two days to get all the resources he needs for the ritual, so this is your time to escape! You can escape on your own or finish off Santa, it's up to you, but we don't know how to finish him off yet... Just make sure he don't catch you or he will just make your life difficult. Technical details: Christmas Horror is a short horror FPS (first-person-shooter) game where you must find a way to escape Santa's house using the scattered items around. You have two ways of escaping and even a way to finish santa forever! As a child, you have severe limitations such as carryng only 1 item per time and of course, being slowly than Santa. The game has no save system, so you just have one chance to escape. Good Luck and remember, be a nice child and maybe he forgives you.

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