Major Nelson on Xbox One: Digital pricing, codes, personal media & IE

Последнее обновление: 22 сентября 2013 г.


Major Nelson recently spoke during an Xbox One event in Boston and answered a few questions that Reddit users had submitted to him. Here’s a quick run down of the main points:

Personal Media

Major Nelson couldn’t confirm if we’ll be able to play personal media files via local network or from a USB hard-drive on the Xbox One, but did say that the idea is that the console is a total media device. It would therefore be surprising if they did not implement this functionality.

Internet Explorer on Xbox One

IE on Xbox One will definitely support HTML5, but he couldn’t confirm the extent of flash support.

Digital Games and Price Matching

Both digital and disc versions of games will have the same MSRP. It it also possible that you’ll be able to buy digital download codes from games retailers, although this won’t be implemented by launch in November.

Why Buy an Xbox One?

Major also had some words on why you should buy an Xbox One:

It’s the device for everyone, it has the features to please the hardcore gamer and even media fans. No features were created at another’s expense. It’s as much about games as the Xbox 360 and has the added abilities that make it the best in TV, Movies, and Sports.

So no major announcements/information breakthroughs, but we’re getting there. It was a shame that Major couldn’t confirm personal media will be supported. Given the spin Microsoft have put on the Xbox One’s functions to date, you’d think it would be all the way at the top of their list!